
UDK: 699.84.001.3
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 61 (2009) 4
Paper type: Subject review
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Characteristics of space model for noise mapping

Hrvoje Tomić, Vlado Cetl, Zdravko Kapović


The three-dimensional space model, or the digital terrain model, is the principal tool for preparation of noise maps. A theoretical overview of model elaboration, based on various topographic methods, is presented in the paper. In addition, the digital soil modelling as needed for noise mapping of a part of Popovača municipality, is described in full detail. The absence of official three-dimensional terrain models can be compensated by combining space data from the existing cartographic documents, and by digital object modelling.

Popovača Municipality, existing cartographic information, noise map, 3D space model, digital terrain model, topographic methods


Tomić, H., Cetl, V., Kapović, Z.: Characteristics of space model for noise mapping, GRAĐEVINAR, 61 (2009) 4


Tomić, H., Cetl, V., Kapović, Z. (2009). Characteristics of space model for noise mapping, GRAĐEVINAR, 61 (4)

Hrvoje Tomić
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Geodesy
Institute of Aplied Geodesy

Vlado Cetl
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Geodesy
Institute of Aplied Geodesy

Zdravko Kapović
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Geodesy
Institute of Aplied Geodesy